Fellowship Test
Full NamePostnominalsCounty A Thomas FCCT East Midlands Abbas Rashid FCCT Abby Bayford FCCT West Midlands Abigail Gray FCCT None of these / Not applicable Abigail Hawkins FCCT East Midlands Adam Anstey FCCT Adam Kohlbeck FCCT Inner London Adam Lewis FCCT… Continue Reading Fellowship Test
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COOKIE POLICY This site uses cookies to improve your experience and helps us to better understand our visitors and members. For the purpose of data protection legislation, the data controllers are the Chartered College of Teaching, of Pears Pavilion, Coram… Continue Reading Cookie Policy
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Chartered Teach CTeach Blog
Why CTeach should be part of your professional development
WHY CTEACH SHOULD BE PART OF YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Helen Barker   Helen Barker writes about her CTeach experience and why you should join the Chartered Teacher Programme programme   We all know that if you want something doing, you should give… Continue Reading Why CTeach should be part of your professional development
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Chartered College of Teaching CTeach Chartered Teacher Graduation Blog News image
Guest blog: ‘CTeach and me’
GUEST BLOG: 'CTEACH AND ME' As one of the first people to gain Chartered Teacher Status, science teacher Dr Elizabeth Mountstevens shares her insights on the programme and why teachers should get involved. “We know what we are, but not… Continue Reading Guest blog: ‘CTeach and me’
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Chartered College of Teaching Elections news image
President and Council elected in inaugural election
PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL ELECTED IN INAUGURAL ELECTION Results of first Council elections announced at first AGM 22 people elected to Council including new President and Vice-Presidents More than two thirds of new Council are teaching with on average 16 years’… Continue Reading President and Council elected in inaugural election
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Joint letter on teacher shortages
JOINT LETTER ON TEACHER SHORTAGES The Chartered College of Teaching has joined together with other organisations that have an interest in the recruitment, training and professional development of teachers to raise their concerns about the teacher shortage and suggest practical… Continue Reading Joint letter on teacher shortages
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Terms of Use
TERMS OF USE PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE What is in these terms? These terms tell you the rules for using our website at chartered.college Who we are and how to contact us Our site is… Continue Reading Terms of Use
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Support Us
Now more than ever teachers need our support The pandemic has had a huge effect on children’s learning and wellbeing, as well as on teachers. Despite the huge challenges, teachers have shown great dedication, professionalism and leadership.   Let teachers… Continue Reading Support Us
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EVENTS The Chartered College of Teaching offers opportunities for professionals to learn new things, develop their practice and engage in discussions and debates around relevant themes and issues. Many of these events are organised by our member-led networks across the… Continue Reading Events
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