We are pleased to be working in partnership with a number of organisations that share our vision and are committed to delivering high-quality, evidence-informed professional development that support teachers and/or school leaders to achieve formal accreditation through Chartered Status.
Each of our Chartered Status CPD Partners:
⚬ offer CPD that supports one or more of our Chartered Status assessment units
⚬ draw upon high-quality research and evidence to inform the CPD they deliver
⚬ is supportive of the Chartered College of Teaching’s vision for teachers to be working in the most effective, informed way to provide the best possible education for children and young people now, and in the future.
Take a look at our Chartered Status CPD Partners below to find out more about how these organisations can support you on your journey to becoming Chartered.
The Council of British International Schools (COBIS) is a membership association that represents more than 400 schools and organisations globally.
The COBIS Programme for Aspiring Heads (CPAH) is a dynamic, engaging, and challenging professional development programme for Aspiring Heads, Headteachers within the first two years of headship and experienced UK Headteachers new to International Headship. The course runs over a period of eight to ten months, combining six days of face-to-face sessions, further online sessions, and a choice of in-school projects and optional school placements. The course is facilitated by trained COBIS facilitators who are international school leaders with extensive experience of headship in COBIS schools. Reflective, evidenced based sessions enable participants to apply theory to practice and build on their prior knowledge and skills as school leaders.
Individual who complete the COBIS Programme for Aspiring Heads, will receive 10 credits towards Chartered Status and exemption from the written examination element of the Professional Knowledge Award on the Chartered Teacher (Leadership) pathway.
Built by teachers, for teachers, StepLab works with schools, trusts and training providers to help teachers make rapid progress in the classroom. With over 100,000 users world-wide, Steplab harnesses instructional coaching and data-driven insights to systematically improve teaching and learning.
The CPD partnership between the Chartered College of Teaching and Steplab offers a new route to gain the Development of Teaching Practice Award. Those using Steplab’s platform and focused on an evidence-based approach to improving pupil outcomes, will be directed to how they can gain accreditation and work towards Chartered Teacher Status.
Find out more about Steplab’s work in schools and with education organisations via their website Steplab – Instructional coaching for schools.
To raise this generation of adaptive experts, Iris Connect‘s vision is for children around the world to be educated by an unbroken chain of expert teachers, setting them up with the best possible starting point to thrive with these challenges. Their mission in all of this? To support teachers at scale with everything they need to develop expert teaching skills, accessible at any time from anywhere at any stage of their career.
Teachers can access a range of bespoke tools via the IRIS Connect CPD platform. Coaching and reflective pathways are matched to teachers’ domain expertise and the platform also provides evidence-informed mechanisms for coaches to help teachers improve their practice.
Teachers can use the platform to sharpen their knowledge of key strategies by reading bite size evidence summaries on topics such as instruction and scaffolding, and bridge the gap between research and practice by viewing and deconstructing real classroom videos of those strategies in action.
Individuals who have completed the theory groups and Pathways on IRIS Connect will be well equipped to use insights from their learning to inform assessments on the Developing Teaching Portfolio, Mentoring Development Portfolio, for the Development of Teaching Practice Award unit, and the Classroom Practice Inquiry Project, for the Education Research and Inquiry Certificate unit, both of which make up part of the Chartered Status pathway for teachers and mentors.
Raising the quality of teaching within schools is likely the single most effective method we have for improving pupil attainment and equity. The work of Evidence Based Education is solely focused on this endeavour. They work to enhance the quality of teaching and learning through research led, innovative, impactful and engaging professional learning. The vehicle for this work is the Great Teaching Toolkit.
At present, over 12,000 teachers have access to the Great Teaching Toolkit and Evidence Based Education is delighted that teachers’ commitment to improving practice through use of courses and feedback tools can now gain recognition in the Development of Teaching Practice Award on our Chartered Teacher Pathway.
Individuals working in schools using the Great Teaching Toolkit can gain recognition for the professional learning they undertake by completing the Development of Teaching Practice Award on the Chartered Teacher Pathway.
Individuals working in schools using the Great Teaching Toolkit can also gain recognition for the learning they undertake as part of the GTT ‘development cycles’ by submitting a ‘Developing Teaching Portfolio’ for assessment.
To complete and submit their assessment, individuals will need to purchase access to the Chartered College of Teaching’s Development of Teaching Practice Award unit. This will provide access to an online platform containing supporting content, detailed assessment guidance and submission space.
Upon successful completion of the assessment, individuals are awarded the Development of Teaching Practice Award and 20 credits towards Chartered Status.
Founded by teachers in 2012, the Teacher Development Trust (TDT) is the national charity for effective professional development in schools and colleges. Their mission is powerful professional development in every school & college so that teachers thrive and children succeed. Their work is underpinned by the key principles of effective teacher professional development and learning. With support from CUREE, TES Global, and Durham University they have led the way in commissioning and publishing guidance around effective CPD, including the Developing Great Teaching report in 2015, which underpinned the development of the Department of Education’s Standard for Teachers’ Professional Development in 2016. They have since published and supported work on quality CPD, school culture and improvement independently and with Wellcome, NAHT, NFER, Sheffield Hallam and the Chartered College.
This CPD partnership provides individuals who have achieved the Teacher Development Trust’s Associate Qualification in CPD Leadership with automatic RPCL (Recognition of Prior Certified Learning) for the Development of Teaching Practice Award (Leadership) on the Chartered Teacher (Leadership) pathway.
Individuals will be awarded the Development of Teaching Practice Award (Leadership) and 20 credits towards Chartered Teacher (Leadership) Status.
Find out more about the Teacher Development Trust’s Associate Qualification in CPD Leadership here.
High Speed Training is an online organisation providing asynchronous learning. They currently have over 2 million people certified, from over 180 courses. For over a decade High Speed Training has delivered online CPD courses to teachers, teaching assistants, and education professionals all across the UK.
High Speed Training offers a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the Classroom online course which provides learners with the knowledge and skills to ensure they fulfil their legal responsibilities. It identifies best practice for supporting children with SEND using the graduated approach. This covers universal provision and the four areas of need. The course provides a solid base for background reading on supporting children with SEND. Through identifying approaches and strategies linked to best practice, it offers opportunities for teachers to reflect on and make changes to their own practice, as well as the opportunity to inspire practitioner inquiry projects within the classroom.
This CPD by High Speed Training can support individuals to achieve the Development of Teaching Practice Award and Education Research and Inquiry Certificate on the Chartered Teacher pathway.
Teachers will be well equipped to utilise insights from the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the Classroom course to inform the following assessments;
⚬ Developing Teaching Portfolio, the assessment element enabling achievement of the Development of Teaching Practice Award,
⚬ Classroom Practice Inquiry Project, the assessment element enabling achievement of the Education Research and Inquiry Certificate.
To undertake these assessments, individuals will need to check their eligibility and purchase access to the relevant assessment unit(s) via the Chartered College of Teaching online shop. This will provide access to an online platform containing learning content, detailed assessment guidance and a submission space. Upon successful completion of the relevant assessment, individuals are awarded the Development of Teaching Practice Award or Education Research and Inquiry Certificate, and 20 credits towards Chartered Teacher Status.
The OLEVI community creates high-performing professionals who – by harnessing our powerful learning Programmes – lead the transformation of Practice, Approach and Culture in their school, so other practitioners and pupils continually improve.
OLEVI have a wide range of CPD courses, including a range of coaching, facilitation and leadership courses. They also deliver a range of Teaching & Learning focused CPD, which provide whole school approaches to embedding effective change and improving practice. The OLEVI Outstanding Teacher Programme (OTP) allows teachers to impact on student outcomes by focusing on their understanding and use of effective pedagogies in the classroom. The five teaching and learning sessions cover key areas of classroom practice and gives participants the opportunity to engage with research and think about their own practice, as well as drive change within their schools. This is supported by the Power of Coaching programme and post-session challenges.
Engaging with OTP supports individuals to achieve the Development of Teaching Practice Award (DTP) on the Chartered Teacher pathway. Individuals who have completed the OLEVI OTP will be well equipped to utilise insights from their learning to enhance their Developing Teaching Portfolio, the assessment element enabling achievement of the Development of Teaching Practice Award.
To undertake the Developing Teaching Portfolio assessment, individuals will need to purchase access to the Development of Teaching Practice Award unit. This will provide access to an online platform containing learning content, detailed assessment guidance and a submission space.
SAfE is an education partnership committed to building an education system that is better for all. We are an alliance made up of schools and other partners to deliver a high quality, cohesive, coordinated school-led improvement system to serve all children, schools and settings, from nursery to post-16.
The High Impact Teaching Series: Reading & Writing Primary Programme supports candidates in working towards the Development of Teaching Practice Award on the Chartered Teacher pathway. Teachers undertaking this CPD will be supported in developing their practice in the classroom and pedagogical understanding with a focus on teaching and learning, meta-cognition, supporting disadvantaged pupils and developing mastery. Alongside this, teachers will also be offered integrated support in working towards the Development of Teaching Practice Award alongside their learning.
The University of Sunderland is a Higher Education Institution located in the North East of England. Sunderland’s Faculty of Education and Society is professional, vocational and practice-based, with key areas of teaching including initial and post qualifying teacher training, subjects within the social sciences, and courses relating to crime, policing, and investigation. Their education courses are ranked 12th in the UK (Guardian University Guide, 2023). They have four main areas of provision, three of which are predominantly concerned with training teachers at local, regional, national and international levels – Initial Teacher Training, Distance Learning, and Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET).
The Mentor CPD curriculum aims to equip mentors with the expertise to support new teachers to thrive in the classroom, not just survive. It also aims to give more experienced teachers the opportunity to develop their own expertise and join a collaborative network of other like-minded teachers who are interested in professional development.
The curriculum is based around three pillars:
⚬ Purposeful integration between the centre-based curriculum and the school
⚬ Pedagogy and evidence-informed practice in subject and phase specific contexts
⚬ Coaching and mentoring skills linked to Sunderland’s ‘High Leverage Mentoring Actions’
The Mentor CPD Curriculum delivered by the University of Sunderland offers a supportive structure for those working towards the Development of Teaching Practice Award (Mentor), on the Chartered Teacher (Mentor) pathway.
Teachers will be well equipped to utilise insights from the Mentor Curriculum CPD to inform the following assessments;
⚬ Mentoring Development Portfolio, the assessment element enabling achievement of the Development of Teaching Practice Award (Mentor).
To undertake these assessments, individuals will need to check their eligibility and purchase access to the relevant assessment unit(s) via the Chartered College of Teaching online shop. This will provide access to an online platform containing learning content, detailed assessment guidance and a submission space. Upon successful completion of the relevant assessment, individuals are awarded the Development of Teaching Practice Award (Mentor), and 20 credits towards Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status.
Windsor Academy Trust is a family of schools in the West Midlands committed to unlocking students’ academic and personal potential. Windsor put children at the centre of everything they do, delivering excellent education to 7,000 students aged 2 to 18 driven by 1,000 committed, inspiring and talented staff.
Teaching and learning is at the core of their work. This is underpinned by a culture of continuous improvement and extensive professional learning. As a Trust they have developed exceptional teachers, leaders and professional services staff within their own family of schools, and for schools and school trusts across the country for over a decade.
Windsor Academy offers a Practitioner Research Programme, which rests on a belief that routine investigation of academic research provides a solid foundation on which to grow and develop pedagogy, and draws upon a range of suitable research evidence to support teachers in undertaking practitioner inquiry.
Over the course of an academic year, Windsor supports ‘Practitioner Researchers’ to develop themselves as both consumers and generators of research. Teachers engage with academic literature to provide a springboard to design, test and amend new strategies, ready for them to be disseminated across their school communities.
Windsor Academy’s Practitioner Research Programme supports candidates working towards the Education Research and Inquiry Certificate on the Chartered Teacher, and Chartered Teacher (Mentor) pathways.
The Education Research and Inquiry Certificate is integrated into Windsor Academy’s Practitioner Research Programme, which offers 6x 1hr virtual sessions, led by the trust research lead, to help participants prepare for and undertake a practitioner inquiry project within their own classroom setting. Alongside opportunities for networking and professional dialogue with other participants through the virtual events, there are also 2x 1-1 sessions to support participants with their undertaking a literature review and project planning.
Windsor Academy Trust runs a complete programme that supports teachers towards the Classroom Practice Inquiry Project assessment. Upon successful completion of the assessment, individuals are awarded the Education Research and Inquiry Certificate, and 20 credits towards Chartered Teacher Status, or Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status, depending on their pathway.
SSAT is a membership organisation, bringing together schools and academies from across the UK and globally committed to achieving deep social justice. They offer insight and understanding into school practice and educational policy and research. Their professional development and school improvement programmes help leaders and teachers to further outcomes for all young people and develop leadership at all levels across the system.
SSAT have secured significantly subsidised places from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), through the DfE’s Accelerator Fund. As a result, they can now offer funding for their Embedding Formative Assessment (EFA) programme to 150 state funded schools with a secondary phase in England. Learn more here.
The Embedding Formative Assessment (EFA) programme by SSAT includes 16 cycles of deliberate practice focused on trialling and refining formative assessment strategies. These cycles are supported by discussions about evidence around a particular technique or approach and include the development of detailed action plans and regular feedback. Teacher Learning Communities collaborate, peer observe and discuss progress and challenges, and reflection is built into these sessions through a set series of questions asked by a designated Challenger. Although evidence of the action plans and feedback is gathered during each stage, there is no formal assessment or certification at an individual level as part of this CPD. However, the programme includes a high degree of rigour throughout.
A great deal of this work is analogous with the deliberate practice within the Development of Teaching Practice Award Developing Teaching Portfolio and overlaps with our Chartered Teacher Status Professional Principles.
There Chartered College of Teaching is therefore delighted to offer a bespoke form of Recognised Prior Certificated Learning for the Development of Teaching Practice Award for teachers who have completed the EFA programme as directed.
NASBTT is committed to promoting high-quality schools-led programmes of training, education and professional development of teachers. The charity represents the interests of schools-led teacher training provision in relation to the development and implementation of national policy developments.
This exciting collaboration sees the Chartered College of Teaching provide formal recognition of NASBTT’s new Mentor Development Modules, which were formally launched last month for Initial Teacher Training (ITT) providers, as meeting the high standards set by the Chartered College, as defined in its Chartered Status Professional Principles. NASBTT members working with the Mentor Development Modules have the opportunity to progress to Chartered Status, using their learning and engagement from the modules to complete the Chartered Teacher (Mentor) pathway assessment.
ImpactEd is a social enterprise that exists to improve pupil outcomes by addressing the evaluation deficit in education. They support organisations, schools and Trusts to evaluate their impact, learn from it and ensure their resources are working in the best possible way for young people.
Working with over 1,000 schools, both through direct partnerships and collaboration with MATs and education providers across the country, they are empowering schools to maximise their impact for all pupils.
The CPD partnership between the Chartered College of Teaching and ImpactEd offers schools and leaders a platform to better evaluate the impact of their in-school interventions to improve outcomes for young people, helping to close the “evaluation deficit”. ImpactEd are able to direct senior leaders engaging with their platform towards gaining recognition through the Education Research and Inquiry Certificate unit for Chartered Teacher (Leadership) Status.
Find out more about ImpactEd’s work in schools and with education organisations via their website: ImpactEd
InnerDrive is on a mission to change lives and make the world a better place by helping people understand how their brain works. They believe that the ability to learn effectively is the foundation for success in education, business, sport, and life itself.
InnerDrive’s focus is to help educators, students, athletes and professionals use the lessons from psychological research to reach their full potential. They specialise in highlighting and illuminating Cognitive Science Research to help people learn, teach, feel and perform better.
InnerDrive have created the Teacher CPD Academy to highlight and illuminate the latest Cognitive Science research teachers can use to enhance teaching practice and empower student learning. Their interactive courses, expert insight videos, reading resources and lesson materials help bridge the gap between research and the classroom.
Individuals working in schools that subscribe to the Teacher CPD Academy, covering nine main areas of cognitive science, will have been well equipped to utilise insights from Teacher CPD Academy resources in their Developing Teaching Portfolio, the assessment element enabling achievement of the Development of Teaching Practice Award. In particular, individuals focusing on an aspect of classroom practice related to cognitive science may use insights from the Teacher CPD Academy to inform their research summary and action plan for cycles of deliberate practice.
The Mercian Trust is a group of nine schools working together under a common banner and an overarching structure of governance, but retaining their autonomy as custodians of their unique heritage, distinct identity and successful operation. The Trust serves more than 9000 students from Walsall and Sandwell in the Black Country.
At the Mercian Trust, they believe that all staff have a career-long entitlement to the highest quality professional development in order to enable teachers and leaders to provide the best possible educational experiences for young people in The Black Country. The Mercian Trust believes that, by investing time, energy and resources, they empower teachers to grow their expertise, encouraging them to be reflective, forward-thinking, research-informed experts in their fields. They recognise the moral imperative to offer the best possible learning experiences for their teachers so that they can work to improve outcomes and to enable social mobility for their pupils.
The Mercian Trust offers a complete programme for the Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice, that allows teachers to consolidate the self-study online learning and supports their colleagues in contextualising their learning to their own school / departmental settings.
The Mercian Trust’s programme will support teachers working towards the Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice, through bridging the gap between their online learning within the assessment unit and school-based application. In particular, regular coaching sessions offer opportunity for teachers to discuss their learning from each ‘part’ of the Certificate in Evidence Informed Practice, and then encourages them to consider application to a current situation in their home schools or to reflect on past implementations that may not have been as successful.
The Mercian Trust runs a complete programme that supports teachers towards completing the Written Educational Debate Task assessment. Upon successful completion of the assessment, individuals are awarded the Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice, and 10 credits towards Chartered Status.
Beaumont School and Sir John Lawes School work in partnership to offer teachers in Hertfordshire, North London and the surrounding counties a coherent and collegiate programme, incorporating all Chartered Teacher assessments. They also offer the Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice as a standalone unit. They were one of the original CTeach providers accredited by the Chartered College and are now supporting their fourth cohort on the journey to Chartered Status. Their dedicated team, including their own CTeach graduates, brings a great deal of expertise and experience to a programme they care about deeply.
– Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice
– Development of Teaching Practice Award
Keele and North Staffordshire Teacher Education are delighted to be a CPD Partner for the Chartered College of Teaching. They offer a route to Chartered Teacher Status through their Tier 2 TE training offer which incorporates the Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice. They can also support the Development of Teaching Practice Award (Mentor).
– Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice
– Development of Teaching Practice Award
Contact Ruth Argyle for more information about how to join their next cohort.
The Scarborough Teaching Alliance and Coast and Vale Learning Trust team are experienced in delivering support for the Chartered Teacher pathway. Many of us have successfully completed the Chartered Teacher or Chartered Teacher (Leadership) pathway, or have supported the programme as a mentor, facilitator, assessor or research expert. We can support and guide you through all the assessment units for Chartered Teacher Status.
– Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice
– Development of Teaching Practice Award
The Lion Alliance is a teaching Alliance of 20 schools, both Primary and Secondary, Independent and State, spreading across Coventry and into Kenilworth and Rugby. They offer a collaborative opportunity for those individuals, in and outside of the Alliance, wanting to complete Chartered Teacher Status. This includes in-person meetings before each assessment unit, peer assessment opportunities and access to wider networking events.
– Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice
– Development of Teaching Practice Award
Laurus is a Multi-Academy Trust operating across Stockport, Manchester, Tameside and Cheshire East. At the Laurus Trust, teacher development is at the foundation of what they do; professional learning is at the heart of their vision. They provide a wide range of CPD to help their teachers, and those of their locale, become the very best in the business. As a CPD Partner, they have experience in supporting teachers to undertake the individual Chartered Teacher assessments units, which they believe is a great opportunity for teachers to analyse, review and improve their practice.
– Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice
– Development of Teaching Practice Award