Chartered College comments on poll of teacher concerns

A new survey of teachers published today (25th February) has highlighted some of the key issues that would make teachers consider leaving the profession. The Tes story highlights that aside from working hours, pay and conditions, over a third of teachers polled said that problems with management would make them likely to consider leaving.

Dame Alison Peacock, CEO of the Chartered College of Teaching, commented on the findings:

“School culture plays a considerable part in teacher development and retention. We know from research that enabling environments to strengthen teaching practice and, in turn, the education of children and young people.

Schools must foster a positive inclusive environment that embraces collegiality and collaboration. Our headteachers and senior leaders need to be supported to create these environments for this to happen. The enormous pressure placed on our leadership teams means this can too often become an afterthought. Any form of education recovery will only occur if we provide the necessary support for teachers and leaders to flourish.” 

The Chartered College has looked at the research and evidence on teacher wellbeing and its importance in driving education recovery.

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