A new Wellbeing Report has today (25th January) been published by Tes which collates reflections from school staff about their working lives and wellbeing. The report “paints a picture of a profession reeling from the shock of the pandemic. Schools’ unwavering commitment to providing education in the most challenging of circumstances is evident, as is, unfortunately, the heavy toll this has taken on the wellbeing of those who work in them.”
Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, commented on the new report:
“There should be no doubt that teachers did everything in their power to support their students throughout the pandemic. What we are very clearly seeing now with this report is the heavy toll this has taken on their mental health and wellbeing. We first highlighted the additional pressures placed on the shoulders of the profession in our May 2020 ‘Education In Times Of Crisis’ report. Our follow up survey of members showed that work-life balance and wellbeing had been negatively impacted for 60% of teachers.
The wellbeing of teachers matters. We need to listen to what our teachers are saying, and the government needs to address this wellbeing time-bomb. Support needs to be made available to the profession, and there needs to be greater opportunities for teachers to collaborate and share what they know works. A healthy profession is the best way to ensure children and young people have the brightest possible future.”