Chartered college comments

Chartered College responds to calls for body of evidence to underpin teaching


The Chartered College of Teaching has responded to calls from the Confederation of School Trusts for teaching to be underpinned by a body of evidence curated by the Chartered College of Teaching.

In its white paper, the CST has said that the Chartered College, as the professional body for teaching, along with Education Endowment Foundation should curate and disseminate evidence throughout the profession.

Professor Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, said: 

“We welcome calls to focus on engaging with research across teaching. We are strongest when teacher expertise is built into the DNA of every school.

The Chartered College of Teaching is working to curate knowledge and foster an environment where our teachers can use these insights to make the best decisions for their pupils. This needs to happen across the whole profession. All teachers, no matter where they are based or what stage they are at in their careers, should have the opportunity to engage with the big ideas in education and develop the understanding of how it works in their setting. We are working with organisations across the profession to help break down the barriers to research and supporting the profession to come together in the spirit of collaboration. By doing so, we can benefit teachers on the ground, the pupils they teach and the whole of society. “