Chartered College of Teaching Elections news image

President and Council elected in inaugural election


  • Results of first Council elections announced at first AGM
  • 22 people elected to Council including new President and Vice-Presidents
  • More than two thirds of new Council are teaching with on average 16 years’ teaching experience.

The Chartered College of Teaching, the professional body for teaching, has today (6 October) announced the results of its first Council election. The elections of President and 21 other Council Members occurred at the Chartered College’s first Annual General Meeting held at Westminster School in London. The elections come as the Chartered College celebrates passing 25,000 members.

The newly elected Council bring with them a wealth of teaching expertise and diverse knowledge. Almost two thirds of the new Council are currently teaching, while Council Members have on average 16 years teaching experience working across the country in all phases. The new Council – who were elected by the Chartered College’s members – will help shape the work of the Chartered College to raise the status of the profession and connect, inform and inspire teachers to deliver the best possible education for young people.
Elected to the role of President is Stephen Munday. Currently Executive Principal of Comberton Village College and Chief Executive of The Cam Academy Trust, Stephen has over 30 years of teaching experience. In addition, he is a member of the Teaching Schools’ Council and has worked on several advisory bodies for the Department for Education.
Stephen will be joined by two Vice Presidents. Professor Sam Twiselton – Director of Sheffield Institute of Education – was elected as External Vice President. Vivienne Porritt – National Leader at #WomenEd who taught English and Drama for almost 30 years – was elected as Internal Vice President.

Stephen Munday FCCT, President of the Chartered College of Teaching, said:

“I am delighted and feel very privileged to be able to take up this post with the Chartered College. The Chartered College is a crucial development for our profession with the potential, that we can already see developing in practice, to play a central role in strengthening the position of teaching profession. At its core, it gives our profession the opportunity to oversee our own development for the good of the education of all young people in our country.”

Professor Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, said:

“Almost 630 days ago the Chartered College opened to support teachers to be the best that they can be, help young people receive the best possible education and foster a culture of learning and celebration across the whole teaching profession. Our Members are hugely important to this work and with our new Council we can ensure that our tools, research and our networks are benefiting teachers in classrooms up and down the country.

I want to thank all of our members who stood and voted in our inaugural elections and for their ongoing support. I look forward to working with our new President and Council to ensure the Chartered College of Teaching goes from strength to strength.”

The Council will be responsible for governing the Chartered College’s activity including setting its strategy and long-term direction. Council Members will serve for up to three years.

Election results

Stephen Munday

Vice President (External)
Professor Sam Twiselton

Vice President (Internal)
Vivienne Porritt

Marcus Richards

Council Member (Member)
Aimee Tinkler MCCT
Natasha Crellin MCCT
Gethyn Jones MCCT
Will Grant MCCT
Rebecca Nobes MCCT
Stephanie Burke MCCT
Julie Hunter MCCT
Penny Barratt MCCT
Ben Ward MCCT
Paul Barber MCCT

Council Member (Fellow)
Wendy Pearmain FCCT
Nicola Faulkner FCCT
Gareth Alcott FCCT
Hannah Wilson FCCT
Helen Blake FCCT
Farah Ahmed FCCT
Joan Deslandes FCCT
David Weston FCCT