Published: May 2020
Authored by: Lisa-Maria Muller & Gemma Goldenberg
Published: May 2020
Authored by: Lisa-Maria Muller & Gemma Goldenberg
Education in times of crisis: The potential implications of school closures for teachers and students
The Chartered College of Teaching published a review of research evidence on school closures and international approaches to education during the COVID-19 pandemic. ‘Education in the time of crisis: The potential implications of school closures for teachers and students’ is the first in a series of reports looking at the impact that both the school closures and the wider crisis may have on students’ academic achievement and socio-emotional development, as well as their impact on teachers.
The review’s recommendations include:
-Consider how best to support children from more disadvantaged backgrounds, who may have fallen disproportionately further behind than their less disadvantaged peers
-Take opportunities to support and guide students in becoming more independent learners, such as providing checklists, plans and opportunities to reflect on their learning.
-Communicate with the future year groups and schools that students are transitioning to, to identify and fill any missed gaps in the curriculum which could leave students vulnerable
-Support parents in monitoring and looking after children’s mental wellbeing. This includes directing parents toward expert advice and resources on recognising and responding to stress/trauma and building resilience
-Consider the training and guidance teachers and other school staff will need to best support students who have suffered bereavement, stress and/or trauma
-Be aware of secondary trauma and ensure teachers and other school staff have access to support structures which enable them to look after their mental health.
-The health of both students and staff – including those in vulnerable groups – and their family members need to be taken into account in any consideration of opening schools, as well as the role of school closures in controlling the spread of the virus. Some of the most affected countries are choosing to close schools until September because of ongoing concerns over health risks
-Consider the practical implications of social distancing measures in schools and how these might differ and be adhered to by age group Practitioners should be consulted to ensure that any approach to school reopenings takes the practicalities of schools into account.
Gemma Goldenberg
Lisa-Maria Muller