Evidence-based support

Delivered via text message

Supporting your wellbeing
Sign up to receive advice and support your colleagues: TeachTogether
Teachers are at the front line of the Covid-19 response – continuing to support pupils despite school closures and enabling other key workers to carry out their roles. Teachers now face uncertainty, rapidly shifting requirements and expectations, and a shift to remote teaching.
That’s why, as well as providing practical support and resources, the Chartered College of Teaching and the Behavioural Insights Team invite you to sign up to the TeachTogether service, designed to help support you through this critical period.
You’ll receive a maximum of one text message per week with stories from other teachers, evidence-based advice, and links to optional activities.
This evidence-based approach has been piloted in Canada with teachers, as well as in the US with 911 call handlers, where it reduced burnout and halved resignations. The messages are based on teacher interviews and the latest evidence on wellbeing.
The service is completely free. All you need to sign up is a UK mobile number (or email). You’ll receive a welcome message followed by one text a week, and you can opt out at any time.
We know it’s just a small thing – but we hope it can make a difference. Why not sign up now yourself, and share the opportunity with your teacher colleagues – particularly those who might not have access to education networks via social media and who might appreciate a weekly touch-point.
This project has been funded with support from the Helen Hamlyn Trust and Ian Armitage.
How do teachers switch off?
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