
Fellowship (FCCT) recognises the commitment and achievements of teachers and school leaders. This is an accolade held by some of the most committed teachers and leaders who have shown a significant and sustained contribution to the teaching profession. It is a formal mark of their achievements, skills and expertise as a teaching professional.

Fellowship is an opportunity to support career development and strengthen the teaching profession through the recognition of your expertise.

You must receive a nomination to become a Fellow (£95 annually).

Features included with your membership:

– Use of post-nominals FCCT after your name

– Printed certificate awarding you Fellowship status in recognition of your contribution to the teaching profession

– Discounts on BERA membership, a range of educational publishers, and online subscriptions such as TES.

– Print copies of our termly, award-winning journal Impact and online access to back issues

– Access to my MyCollege, an indispensable resource packed with accessible articles, interactive content and high-quality classroom footage

– Invitations to contribute to roundtable discussions and surveys, giving you the opportunity to influence and engage with education policy and have your voice heard by those making decisions at a system level

– Ability to stand and vote in our annual elections and contribute to shaping the future of the profession.

"I wanted to become a Fellow and Chartered College council member so I can collaborate with other teachers and share experiences to help support professional development."

Michael Chiles FCCT


Celebrate, support and connect teachers to provide world-class education benefiting
pupils and society.

Together we will raise the status of the
teaching profession.

"I feel connected and involved; I feel part of the bigger conversation of the profession. I feel heard and valued."

Steven Berryman FCCT, CTeach


Teachers are working in the most effective, informed way to provide the best possible education for children and young people now, and in the future.

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The NOMINATOR (the person putting a colleague forward for Fellowship) must:

• peer-nominate a colleague via our website, as we don’t accept speculative nominations
• have taught in a teacher or leadership position employed by a school (0-19 setting) for 10 years
• Please note, teaching in a Higher Education Institution does not count towards the required minimum of 10 years of experience.

** Please note, the nominator does not need to be a Member or Fellow of the Chartered College.

The NOMINEE (the person being put forward for Fellowship) will need to declare that they have:

• taught in a teacher or leadership position employed by a school (0-19 setting) for 10 years
• Please note, teaching in a Higher Education Institution does not count towards the required minimum of 10 years of experience. Only teaching in early years, primary, middle, secondary or FE setting count.
• made a significant contribution to the teaching profession and are able to demonstrate throughout your teaching career you:

1. critically evaluate and reflect on your own practice
2. commit to engaging in relevant, career-long professional learning
3. express collegiality by supporting, and learning from others
4. adhere to high standards of professionalism
5. engage critically with research and evidence

** Please note, you do not need to be a Member or Fellow of the Chartered College to be nominated for Fellowship.

Once the nomination has been submitted, the nominee will be sent an email with the link to the application form.

Upcoming 2024 application submission dates:

•.  8th May 2025


Chartered Teacher Status
