This project, funded by the DfE, aims to help educational settings and EdTech companies to better understand and improve the impact of their products on teaching and learning.

What is the EdTech Evidence Board?

The EdTech Evidence Board (EEB) will take an evidence-based approach to evaluating the effectiveness and impact of EdTech products. The board will review evidence submitted by EdTech suppliers using a defined set of criteria. The criteria will be informed by research evidence and developed in consultation with subject matter experts, suppliers, schools and colleges.

We believe that the EEB will have a positive impact on the sector by driving critical thinking among schools and EdTech providers about the impact and measurement of EdTech products, helping education settings feel confident that they are choosing products that work well for them and for their classrooms.

The project

In phase one of the project, we will be working, in collaboration, to develop the criteria that will be used to assess EdTech products (with various opportunities to engage in this – see below), as well as working with teachers, school and college leaders, EdTech providers and others within education and EdTech sectors to inform our approach to the Evidence Board process. This collaborative approach will help to ensure that guidance and processes are useful to all, and that gathering evidence of impact can ultimately be incorporated into product development and testing across the EdTech sector.  

Building on the successful development of criteria in Spring, we plan to invite evidence submissions to a pilot phase of the Board later this year. 

How can you get involved?

We would love for as many people as possible across the system to be involved in this project to ensure that the outcomes are relevant to all.

There are a number of ways in which you can get involved over the coming months to help shape this exciting initiative.

If you’d like to be involved, in the first instance please complete our Edtech Evidence Board survey, which includes the opportunity for you to be kept up to date and hear about ways to participate.

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🔵 DfE announcement