Chartered college comments

Chartered College comments on OECD TALIS results


The latest teaching and learning international survey (TALIS) has been published. Carried out by the OECD it collates the views of teachers in England and across the globe.

Professor Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, commented on the results:

“It’s heartening to see that the majority of our teachers still get into teaching to support the development of children and contribute to our society. Unfortunately, there appears to be a mismatch between expectations and the reality of our classrooms, where the time spent on actual teaching and learning has decreased in the past five years and overall workload is among the highest of all OECD countries. We urgently need to address this if we are to improve levels of recruitment and retention.

It is also noteworthy that participating in CPD is commonplace for teachers and school leaders in England, which shows teachers’ commitment to their own development. However, we need to consider the barriers to accessing high-quality CPD that were identified by teachers to ensure that every teacher and school leader can participate in lifelong learning opportunities and be the best that they can be.”