This year’s Teacher Wellbeing Index highlights both encouraging shifts and persistent challenges for the teaching workforce. Alongside familiar data on staff wellbeing, we see new insights emerging on the impact of pupil and parent behaviour on teacher morale. The good… Continue Reading Teacher Wellbeing Index 2024: positive culture shifts amid ongoing challenges with parent and pupil behaviour
Dr Victoria Cook, Education and Research Project Specialist, Chartered College of Teaching In response to the findings of the ‘Big Listen’, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Sir Martyn Oliver, has unveiled a raft of changes that are designed to reduce the… Continue Reading Support, not judgement, is key to Ofsted reform
The Chartered College of Teaching offers our heartfelt sympathy to the families and friends of the three girls, tragically killed in Southport, and to all those affected by this senseless violence. We in the education community stand with the people… Continue Reading Why we must involve teachers in a working group to consider schools’ responses to racism and Islamophobia in the UK
I was delighted to congratulate Bridget Phillipson as she takes on the vitally important role of leading the education brief as Secretary of State under the new Labour Government. It is clear that she is ready to face the challenges… Continue Reading Five priorities for a new government
Regina Coeli Primary is a two-form voluntary aided Roman Catholic school in South Croydon. They value and celebrate the culturally diverse community they serve and hope to draw on the community’s wealth of talent, skills and knowledge. The school motto… Continue Reading Regina Coeli Primary – Where there is Love
At the Chartered College of Teaching, we believe that education policy should focus on developing and sustaining teacher professionalism. Policy-makers and the profession need to work together to create sustainable change for the benefit of children and young people. This… Continue Reading What do members want from a new government?
A new government must commit to developing its plans for education in partnership with the profession. We see what our pupils and their families need in order to flourish, and we are committed to education as the route to shaping… Continue Reading As we move towards a general election, it’s vital that the voices of teachers and school leaders are heard
At the risk of stating the obvious, there are many problems with Ofsted. Most worrying is the enormous fear it instils in the profession, limiting innovation and creativity, and driving too many teachers and leaders away from the job they… Continue Reading A profession-led inspection system? There’s a lot of work to do
Ofsted inspections need to change. Earlier this year, almost all of more than 2,000 members who responded to our poll agreed, with 83% wanting inspections paused, and 15% suggesting inspection should continue while reforms take place. Even some of those… Continue Reading How an understanding of professionalism underpins our response to Ofsted’s Big Listen
Cragside Primary School Cragside Primary school is a two-form entry primary school in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. At Cragside, we aim to provide children with an education that: inspires and nurtures; celebrates individuality and diversity; and equips every child to make a positive… Continue Reading Creating time and space for all voices to be heard