The Chartered College of Teaching is seeking member approval to change its Bye laws, one of its main governing documents (along with its Royal Charter). The changes will enable the Chartered College to operate more effectively for the benefits of its members. This includes holding the Annual General Meeting online – making it easier for members to attend – and ensuring the Council can operate as efficiently as possible by improving continuity and succession planning for Council Officers.
Full Members (Members, NQT Members and Fellows) are encouraged to vote and approve the changes by 5pm on Sunday 11th July ahead of a formal decision at an Extraordinary General Meeting on 13th July 2021.
The Bye law changes will then be submitted to the Privy Council for approval.
These changes are essential for good governance and will ensure resources are best directed to supporting Chartered College membership and the wider teaching profession.
Why these changes?
As the Chartered College continues to grow, it is important to review governing documents to ensure they meet the needs of the organisation and its members in order to operate as effectively as possible.
Many of these Bye laws date back to the College of Preceptors which was granted its Royal Charter in 1849. These proposed changes have been developed over the past six months by the Constitutional Committee of the Chartered College of Teaching – composed of elected Council Members, with input from the CEO and Executive Leadership Team of the Chartered College. The process involved research of comparable organisations including Royal Colleges, Chartered bodies and those across the education sector to help develop the correct proposals.
What are the proposed changes?
There are nine proposed changes to the Bye laws set out in the table below. There is one resolution to vote on these proposed changes together.
The resolution seeking member approval is:
Current-requirements-of-Bye-laws-updated‘It is RESOLVED, in accordance with Bye law 40, to amend the Bye laws of the College in the manner set out in the schedule hereto, subject to the approval of the Lords of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, and subject to such changes as the Privy Council may require and which are agreed by the College.’
Read the full proposed Charter and Bye Law changes
Read the full resolution and schedule
What is the approval process?
These proposals require the approval of members before requesting permission from the Privy Council to amend the Bye laws.
To gain approval, all members eligible to vote are requested to do so by proxy at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Voting members will receive a unique voting card with further information by email from voting providers UK Engage.
Extraordinary General Meeting
The current Bye laws require any proposed changes to be voted at a General Meeting, which must be held in person. This will take place on 13th July 2021.
With the ongoing risks and restrictions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person attendance will be strictly limited. Voting by proxy is therefore encouraged. Should a member feel that they should attend, then they are asked to register their interest.
Proxy voting enables a member’s vote to be cast at the meeting – in accordance with their instruction – by the Presiding Member (The Presiding Member at any general meeting of the College shall be the President or, if absent, a Vice President, or, in default of a Vice President another member, chosen by the members).
Find out more and vote
Members who are eligible to vote will receive an email with further information.
Watch back a webinar setting out the proposed changes to the Bye laws.