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Chartered College of Teaching comment on Ofsted proposals

Commenting on changes to Ofsted’s school inspections announced today, Dame Alison Peacock said:

While the proposed changes are welcome, we would question whether they go far enough. As we outlined in our statement on high stakes inspection earlier this year, more fundamental changes to the inspection system are needed if we are to ensure it can really support schools to keep getting better.

However, perhaps the most significant thing about these new proposals is that Ofsted seems, at last, to recognise that change is needed, and that the pressure of inspection is too great on schools. We are glad that teachers’ and leaders’ voices are being heard, and as the professional body for the teaching profession we will continue to ensure this is the case.

Notes to editors:

The Chartered College of Teaching is the professional body for teachers. We are working to celebrate, support and connect teachers to take pride in their profession and provide the best possible education for children and young people. We are dedicated to bridging the gap between practice and research and equipping teachers from the second they enter the classroom with the knowledge and confidence to make the best decisions for their pupils.

The Chartered College of Teaching statement on high stakes accountability can be read here.

Ofsted press release can be read here.  

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T: 020 7911 5589

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