Chartered College of Teaching Elections news image

Stand for the Chartered College of Teaching Council


Support teachers across the country and stand for election to the Chartered College of Teaching’s Council.

These will be the second elections for the Council of the Chartered College of Teaching and there are six Council Member positions up for election. Members and Fellows elected to the Council will serve for three years.

Our members are at the heart of our work to celebrate teachers, support them to deliver excellent teaching and connect to share practice and learn from each other. Our Council Members play an important role in shaping our strategy and ensuring it is in a strong position for the future. Over the past year, the Council has been involved in setting the 10-year direction of the Chartered College, approving its business plan and expansion of the Chartered Teacher programme, which recognises excellent teaching.

More information about the work of the Chartered College of Teaching, nominations and voting is available on the Chartered College of Teaching election website.

Want to know more about our elections? Find out below:

What are you doing different?

Thank you to everyone that provided feedback following our inaugural elections last year. As a result, Members can stand for all vacant Council positions. We have changed the dates of the election to avoid it clashing with summer holidays. We are also randomising candidate order on the elections site to ensure voting is as fair as possible.

Why are you having more elections already? 

Our bylaws state that the terms of office for one-third of the elected members of the Council will come to an end at our annual AGM until 2021 and therefore an annual election must be held. These members are able to stand for re-election if they wish.

Will they be representative? 

All full members of the Chartered College of Teaching – the vast majority of which work in schools – are eligible to stand for one of the six council positions. We encourage everyone to play a part in shaping the future work of their professional body by standing and voting in our Council elections so we can ensure it as representative as possible. An independent election agency, UK Engage, is responsible for running the election and ensuring it is fully democratic. Following feedback from our inaugural election, full members can stand for all of the six Council positions which are to be contested. We encourage all full members to be involved and have their say. This is your Council, have your say.

What has your Council achieved?

Since being elected last October, our Council has played an important role in preparing the Chartered College for its future growth as it moves beyond its start-up phase. This has included setting the 10-year direction of the Chartered College and helping to shape and approve our annual business plan and expansion of our Chartered Teacher programme.