Today (31 July), a new report by the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee raises concerns about links between school exclusions and knife crime.
The report – Serious Youth Violence – states:
“The current epidemic of youth violence has been exacerbated by a perfect storm emerging from cuts to youth services, heavily reduced police budgets, a growing number of children being excluded from school and taken into care, and a failure of statutory agencies to keep young people safe from exploitation and violence.”
In response, Professor Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, commented:
“Our teachers have a hugely positive impact on young people and the future of society. That they do this while under huge strains and expectations to deliver is hugely inspiring.
It is imperative that society supports the difficult decisions our schools and teachers take for the safety of all of their pupils. We need to take into account wider societal issues which all can have an impact on the involvement of young people in knife crime.
Instead of looking to blame our teachers we should be asking them what support they need to create safe learning environments and ensure our pupils have the best opportunities possible.”